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OKR Design Charette
September 16, 2021
COVID has changed the way we operate across the industry but architecture remains a profession built on interaction and working together. Meeting and working online has its benefits but nothing beats an in-person group workshop session.
We were delighted to get stuck in with Morris + Company and Weston Williamson on the Old Kent Road social housing-led project we are collaborating on for Southwark Council. Workshops like these where we exchange ideas in-person around physical models are helping us shape and form our joint proposal for the better.
Follow us on Instagram @westportarchitects to stay updated on our latest developments and life within the studio.

Wellcome Collection X West Port
We are excited to announce that we’re working with The Wellcome Collection on an upcoming exhibition, opening spring 2023!

RIAS Quarterly Issue 50 - Made in Scotland
West Port were invited to contribute to Issue 50 of the RIAS Magazine to discuss and celebrate our learnings from Scotland and how the founders' educational grounding at The University of Edinburgh influences the studio we are today.

Diversity in Architecture: Architecture Vs Law
NEWS! Sophie, one of our talented and inspirational Part IIs here at West Port, recently had an article published in the architectural journal, Field: 'Embodying an Anti-Racist Architecture' issue (March, 2022)...

Bartlett Careers Workshop
Last Friday, our UCL alumni, Hannah and Khalifa, presented our practice, projects and the values we look for in applicants when hiring, to students of The Bartlett School of Planning's Urban Design and City Planning Masters...

New architect on the block!
Congratulations are in order! Oliver, who joined us in October last year, recently completed his Part III at the Architectural Association in London. Now a fully fledged architect, he is keen to get stuck into the practice further. Oliver has brought a wealth of technical expertise to...

Tickets on sale! V&A AF22
The V&A have launched tickets for Africa Fashion 2022. Behind the scenes, we’ve been working full steam ahead on the design of the exhibition...

Workshop: d-lab
Hello! This Saturday West Port is taking part in an architectural CV and portfolio workshop run by d-lab. Led by experts in the fields of architecture and design, individuals passionate about a career in architecture will have the opportunity to...

Planning Consented! Old Yard Gatehouse
Happy New Year everyone! We are excited to announce that our design for a residential gatehouse building in Kensal Green has been consented for planning by Brent Council...

Holiday Cheer
Last week we all went down to The Black Dog restaurant in Vauxhall (Basia’s old local) for our Christmas dinner. It was wonderful to have the whole team there to celebrate the year and thank everyone for their contributions to making the practice what it is today...

A Wall For All
Our recent entry for the Pavilion for All competition, titled 'A Wall for All'...

Equity Forum: What difference does Difference make?
The new forum, founded by the Westminster’s School of Architecture + Cities, is part of the university’s EDI-related strategic planning for more equality and diversity across its campus. Spearheaded by Samir Pandya, the department’s Director of International and Strategic Lead for Equality...

Speed Mentoring Night
Last Thursday West Port's founding partners, Colin Cheng, Khalifa Abubakar and Shaun Ihejetoh took part in the Architects' Journal Speed Mentoring evening. The event was co-hosted by VitrA...

Tea & Cake
If you are ever in the Maida Hill area of London (goodness knows why you wouldn't be), and fancy a free architectural consultation, our studio is always ready to welcome you!...

As.An.Other - Pride '21
Why do we need Pride? Pride works. It’s a protest and it works hard every year to equalise people who love differently. It's bringing about much needed change, but it's...

D-Lab Workshop
Last week, Basia volunteered with D-LAB Studios to help AAA students build their design confidence. The workshop also entailed giving them advice on putting together portfolios that will hopefully enable...

We're Hiring!
Afternoon all! West Port is looking for Part 2 architectural assistants who are available to work on a selection of exciting projects around London and the UK. The chosen candidate(s)...

Bracken Hide (AUG)
The Hub Building of the Bracken Hide Hotel has come a long way from its shell at the beginning of the year...

Hutsmith Cabins
Another of the Type III cabins installed by Hutsmith Cabinmakers. This one is sitting proudly in a terraced rear garden...

Winners! V&A Africa Fashion
We are pleased to announce that we have been selected by the Victoria & Albert Museum to be the exhibition designers for the Africa Fashion exhibition. The show...

The Happy Podcast for Kids
Basia and Shaun had the pleasure of participating in a podcast for children's magazine Anorak. You can listen to them answer questions from kids interested in architecture and the...

Bracken Hide (JUN)
A snapshot of on-site progress from our office trip to the Isle of Skye. 30+ hours driving up from London intermixed with some stunning scenery, excellent weather and a not so pleasant barrage of midges...

Hello Kathleen!
As the practice grows, so does our story. No longer is it just about the spaces we create but also about the people within our practice who help create them...
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